Diversity index: Racial and cultural diversity create thriving and prosperous communities.

Insights & Analyses

  • Racial and ethnic diversity in the US has grown steadily since 2000, with Hawaii, Nevada, Alaska, and California leading all states with the highest diversity index scores.
  • Maine and Vermont continue to lag behind national diversity trends, with current diversity levels at about one-third of the national average.
  • Many cities in the Midwest are becoming increasingly diverse. In Oklahoma, for instance, Oklahoma City and Tulsa, which previously ranked near the middle of the diversity index for the 100 largest US cities, are now positioned in the top 20.

Drivers of Inequity

Exclusionary immigration policies and racial segregation, forged through practices such as redlining and racially exclusive housing covenants, have historically hindered the economic prosperity of Black people and other people of color in the United States. However, immigrants and people of color are increasingly driving population growth. Population growth rates for Black, Latinx, Asian or Pacific Islander, and multiracial people far outpace growth rates for white Americans.


Grow an equitable economy: Policies to leverage diversity as an asset

Strategy in Action

Chicago often ranks as one of the best cities for immigrants. In 2011, Chicago launched the Office of Immigrant, Migrant, and Refugee Rights under the Office of the Mayor (formerly the Office of New Americans). The Office aims to improve daily experiences of foreign-born residents in Chicago through services such as citizenship assistance, funding for immigrant-owned businesses, and job opportunities for DREAMers and undocumented youth. The Office includes a Language Access Advisory Committee that collects data on language access needs. It launched a 24-hour real-time interpretation hotline to ensure that communities with limited English proficiency have full access to all city functions. A 16-member New Americans Advisory Council composed of local leaders also advises the Office on policies and community engagement that impact the city’s immigrant population. According to the New American Cities Index which tracks government services and engagement as well as socioeconomic outcomes for immigrant residents across 100 cities, Chicago was the best US city at integrating immigrants in 2021. Learn more.

Photo: Renee Rendler-Kaplan on Flicker (Chicago, IL)

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